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Application Maintenance

IT applications are the lifeblood of businesses today. A large part of a company’s competitive advantage comes from the customised IT applications that have been built and fine-tuned over the years. In a time of rapid technological flux, companies are finding it increasingly harder to maintain theirdiverse portfolio of applications.

At Bigabox, we help companies get a firm grip on their application landscape and enjoy cost savings. Thanks to our competencies in a wide range of technologies, we offer full-stack application maintenance services to clients. Our trusted service delivery framework allows clients to leave their application maintenance worries for us to handle and focus solely on running their business.

We have experience in supporting both legacy applications and advanced cloud solutions.To ensure continuous uptime and high performance, we list key performance indicators for applications and monitor them in real-time to ensure that they are operating at optimal capacity.We also identify potential risks and develop mitigation plans.

We also use automated tools to ensure that we bring down the professionals needed to maintain an application. By deploying more people to develop new functionality in existing applications, we ensure that you enjoy a better return on your maintenance investments. Talk to us today to understand how we can partner with you to help you get the best out of your applications.

Application Maintenance 

Application Maintenance 

Application Maintenance 

Application Maintenance 

Application Maintenance 

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