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Custom CMS Websites

Static websites are passé—very few build one these days. In fact, with content changing so rapidly, most people are turning to Content Management System (CMS) websites to be able to add or edit existing content with any coding knowledge. CMS-based websites are especially helpful for businesses that refresh their content regularly—like news portals for example.

At Bigabox, we build easy-to-use CMS-based websites for clients of all sizes and stripes. Whether you are a media company or auniversity, we can help you build a powerful website with extensive customisation and site management options. From creating new pages to playing with the menu structure, you can update your website easily from the administration panel without the need for programming.

One of the common complaints with CMS-based websites is that they are slow. With years of experience in building scalable and high-performance websites, we ensure that your website loads faster and delivers a seamless experience across devices. We can also build custom workflows based on your requirements. We also make the site SEO-friendly for improved search visibility.

Finally, it’s hard to improve a website without having hard data on page views and bounce rates. To help clients monitor user activity, we help them integrate their CMS websites with a web analytics program of their choice (e.g. Google Analytics). Talk to us today to discover how we can help you build a fast, secure and easy-to-use CMS website.

Custom CMS Websites 

Custom CMS Websites 

Custom CMS Websites 

Custom CMS Websites 

Custom CMS Websites 

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Bigabox excels at custom design and front end development. We love taking on challenging projects that require full-on content strategy, thoughtful design, demanding development, and ongoing marketing.

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