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Ecommerce Websites

Retail is among the first sectors that got disrupted by the internet. Today, the size of the global e-commerce market exceeds $2 trillion.There is fierce competition, but the market is dominated by a select few players. Smaller niche e-commerce sites often struggle to reach critical mass and compete against large e-tailers like Amazon or eBay.

It is still possible for a niche e-tailers to take the fight back to the Amazons of the world and prosper, providedthey have best-in-class technology.At Bigabox, we design and develop end-to-end e-commerce solutions that help you manage all online transactions from product discovery and shopping to payments and feedback.

Even a modest e-commerce site sells thousands of products. It is therefore important to organise the catalogue carefully. We help companies create clear-cut categories with separate landing pages for each category. We also build power search and personalisation options to help your customers easily find the products they are looking for. Our team works with you to customise the solution to your requirements.

We also advise clients on how to improve security, increase responsiveness and select the right payment processor. We have proven expertise in implementing e-commerce portals on a wide range of platforms including Magento and WooCommerce. Our team also have hands-on experience in integrating third-party modules for coupons, loyalty points management and other client-specific requirements.

Talk to us today to get started on your e-commerce journey with a strong technology partner at your side.

Ecommerce Wedsites 

Ecommerce Wedsites 

Ecommerce Wedsites 

Ecommerce Wedsites 

Ecommerce Wedsites 

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Bigabox excels at custom design and front end development. We love taking on challenging projects that require full-on content strategy, thoughtful design, demanding development, and ongoing marketing.

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